Academic journal publication schedule
한국연구재단 등재학술지
전임연구자 20만원
비전임연구자 게재료 없음
(연구비지원 10만원 추가)
심사비 없음
Journal submission
After referring to the “Manuscript Writing Principles”,
Please submit along with the "Contributor Ethics Pledge" and "Publication Application".
Manuscript writing principles: Writing Principles.pdf
Contributor Ethics Pledge: Contributor Ethics Pledge Form (MS Word)
Submission for publication: Submission Form
Manuscript submission method
Please first fill out the Online Copyright Usage Agreement below.
Subscribe to the online submission system JAMS and proceed with your submission.
Korean Society of Southeast Asian Studies Online Submission System
Editorial board
Inquiries regarding journal submission
Editor-in-Chief: Hanwoo Lee (
Editor: Hyunkyung Kim
In accordance with Article 8 of the Journal Publication Regulations, the publication of the paper is considered as the author's consent to the use and disclosure of the paper in the society.
If you agree to the above regulations, please click the button below and submit the online copyright utilization agreement.